
Yes it is me... and thank you! And no, I didn't steal $250 from Aria-- she's one of my closests friends-- I was a bridesmaid at her wedding for christsakes! I don't know anything about that, and obviously I'm sure she would have told me that if it was true. I've got to call her tomorrow so maybe she knows where the rumor started.

i know it wasn't you but i head it happend on one of your shoots.



***DISCLAIMER*** The Monkey Cage is about satire. Nothing posted here should ever be considered fact


Melissa can explain more.

jrv you dumb fuck , the ONLY reason that was put up was because of the chico shit and to prevent law suits. if you keep doing this shit i will a) edit your fucking posts and B) ask tony for a cage ban for jrv. Not everything here is fact and not everything here is fake. this happens to be something that is FACT. Im not saying holly did it, i was hinting at it, but $250 was taken at one of her shoots.
“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis