If you creeps at JM don't use this tagline on the next installment of 'Gag Factor', well, you're dumber than the pathetic women you hire to get throatfucked on camera. Don't take my word for it. It came to me in a dream. I believe it was God's doing.
Also, God said you should play tragic music over the credits of 'Gag Factor' instead of the sinister rock/electronica you currently favor. God believes sad music will underline and further heighten the viewer's awareness that the naive, young women they are about to watch are ruining their lives by appearing in this filth. God realizes you can't afford to purchase music rights, so he suggests a Classical piece in the public domain played on a Casio keyboard, Albinoni's 'Adagio' perhaps. The cheapness of the sound will perfectly compliment how little value these women seem to attatch to their futures. Like I said, I'm just taking dictation from the Almighty.
Stand by for further instructions.