I believe I answered your questions in a reply email. For the benefit of others:

> Dear Avi,
> I did misinterpret the press release for the (non-)
> sale of Maximum: it was transferring the stock of a
> third company. I apologize.

- Not a problem. Happens to everyone.

> What we're doing here is simply (as I stated at the
> start of my post) posting notes, no more and no less,
> posting information as we find it and figuring out
> just how badly the company's PR falters before
> reality.
> There are a number of unanswered questions about JKP's
> decision to go public, the transfer of dept into stock
> options, etc. But most of these are paled by the
> question of why you sold your holdings in JKP just
> three months after they went public. I presume your
> advisory agreement had something to do with the
> reverse merger, is that correct? If so, why cut loose
> before they even really got underway?

1. We didn't "sell" our holdings. We exchanged a relatively small portion of our shares with a UK-based exchange fund that lists it shares on the London Exchange for trading. At the time of the transaction, 1,066,666 shares represented less than 20% of our stake. This exchange, by the way, paved the road for an exchange between the same family of funds and Jill Kelly Productions directly. JKP subsequently sold that stake for $3 million gross dollars to a third party - something I imagine any company in the adult space would love. All in, $6.25 million gross into JKP.

2. As a symbol of our belief in the co moving forward, we further invested $600,000 hard dollars into a private placement that is reflected in the SB-2 registration statement. Next to the London-based fund, we are the largest investor in Jill Kelly Productions. This is a far cry from "cutting loose".

3. Our advisory agreement called on many duties, one of which was to complete a reverse acquisition of Jill Kelly Productions.

I can tell you in hindsight that we have been approached by all forms of adult companies for the same service (capital and listing) ever since the completion of the JKP transaction. As much as people like to bash JKP for all kinds of reasons, both before and after the transaction (and believe me, I have no allegiance to anything or anyone but that of mine and investors' capital chances for success), the bottom line is that they did what no other company has been able to achieve. They convinced Wall Street to break the stigma associated with porn and to participate. I would urge all in the adult business to put the gossip aside, and welcome these types of transactions because if people like me feel comfortable, the funding will continue in the direction of other companies in the space. This will only help the adult business grow. This will only help the adult category emerge from the black clouds it currently suffers from as it relates to the Wall Street world.

Perhaps you can name another 2 year old adult company that can brag of raising millions from Wall Street bankers.

You have my name. What's yours?