I just discovered this site, and was pretty excited about reading a few of the threads. I searched my name, and low and behold... absolutely every post that mentioned my name was absolutely RUDE.
Let me explain something, i have been in this industry for 12 years and I have loved every second of it. I have done everything in my power to make it a positive experience for not only me, but for everyone around me.
I now run my own company and thoroughly enjoy producing and directing movies. I am so surprised that so many of you literally hate me. I mean, do you even know me? NO!
It seems as if you are all just taking personal digs for no apparent reason. I mean if you are going to call someone a worthless scumsucking whore, have a fucking reason.
Until you know me, maybe you shouldn't make judgements... especially those of you who work for other companies, and those of you who are talent.
I would like to see ANY of you come up to me in person and say these things.... wishful thinking, i guess.
Take all your cracks at my looks you want... My movies are still burying EVERY other movie produced by any other company, hundreds of times over. The proof is in the pudding.
