Erotic comic artists have for a long time been crossing boundaries that real porn could never do. Rape, incest, pedophilia, bestiality and even necrophila abounds. It's amazing what you can get away with depicting under the auspices of art.

3D rendering technology has been coming on in leaps and bounds over the past few years. I recently had my eyes opened to the fact that artists are starting to use this medium for erotic depictions, and they're going just as far with the storylines as comic artists do. Here's an example:

Ok, so it's not quite there yet, but it's surely only a matter of time before the technology develops to the stage where images can be produced that are impossible to distinguish from real life. At the rate things are going, this could be within five years. The biggest problem in depicting human subjects in 3D has been skin looking wooden. This problem has already been solved with translucent skin modelling (not used in this pic).

This raises some interesting questions. Could 3D animations threaten the livelihood of pornstars? For the psychological satisfaction, I'd always choose to watch a real girl getting fucked over a fake one, but what if they didn't tell you?

And if pedos start producing lifelike 3D animated child porn, how the fuck are law enforcement going to tell the real abused children from the imaginary ones?

71243-Amanda11-600x800.JPG (43 downloads)

"If I were a guy, not swallowing would be a deal breaker. So what if you cook and clean? I can get a maid for that." - Gia Jordan