The porno past is like an unexploded land mine buried during some war.

Many years later after the war is over, a couple of kids are playing in a forest or a pasture where military troops had trod over during the war, and then BLAMMO!, the unexploded land mine goes off and the people wring their hands and are up in arms over the senseless maiming or death of the innocent children.

A young attractive white girl has video recordings made -- of her own volition -- of being violated in all her holes by felonious ex-con Moolies for which she was paid the princely sum of $2000, including an extra $500 miscegenation premium, minus the vig paid to the agent and the $200 paid for a current medical blood panel, though that would be amortized over 14 days -- the currently acceptable window between tests -- of shooting scenes.

She escapes the booze, drugs, and bad LA lifestyle without ODing or being placed 'on the track' by a pimp and ends up marrying into a respectable family, probably somewhere in Texas, Arizona, or the Midwest. A hard-working, maybe even religious man who finds himself lucky to land such a lovely lass of childbearing years.

He probably doesn't realize that the beautiful 'car' he got for a steal actually has a salvage title, instead of being in a flood, it has Negro damage.

The porno equivalent of that unexploded ordinance going off after the war is people posting the connections on heavily visited social media like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and tagging them with both the real name and their porn dead name.

I wonder what happens when that 'landmine' goes off and what is the collateral damage? Max, have you ever been able to find that out? The bride marries without revealing the porn past and it explodes very publicly.

I couldn't imagine the hell if I went to junior high or high school and my classmates were showing me and others pictures of my mother being violated by a bunch of heavily melanin-infused criminals.

Max's yeoman work shows to connect the dots is not an impossible task. I wonder if these people who marry the ex-whores do any background checks or simply take what is presented at face value (aka lies).

Keep up your good work Max.
"I'm a minor character in my own story", Steve Coogan as Tony Wilson in 24 Hour Party People