Originally Posted By: CharlieYup

I think there was a time you'd have been castigated and lumped in with Panzer for what you said. Maybe that's what you wanted, to help you break this mental illness.

Dude, I've been on this board for a while. I fully know what kind of reaction I would have gotten if I made this confession back then. Over the years though I've adopted a more liberal view of sexuality. If it's not hurting anybody, all parties consent, and they enjoy that type of thing, have at it. Do whatever the fuck you want. Am I a weird guy with a warped libido? Sure, but most average people would say I was before I decided to jack it to some chicks with dicks.

Maybe if I wasn't raised with this small town Southern Illinois ultra-conservative, moralistic viewpoint that sex is only between one man and one woman and everyone else is evil, sick and twisted souls who are going to Hell, I would have discovered this particular kink of mine years ago. I just hope I would have had the "fuck it all" attitude and balls to post it here then also.