I must come to the defense of the Luvinlioness (White Knight in Shining Armor Powers -- Activate!). She must satisfy two audiences. On Facebook she likely speaks to her church friends. Who knows if they are aware of her carnal carnival past. Her Twitter account is probably populated by fans (like me). I doubt her church folk monitor it, although cults have been known to run counter intelligence ops on members and leaders they think are straying from the path or being too friendly to outsiders and authorities. Dana is on a very thin wire, negotiating her past, her present life, the church that helps her, and the fans who always wany more, more, more. She would probably benefit most from a go fund me page, but if the church ever found out about that, there'd be hell to pay. That scarlet 'A' shit is still big in some places.
Mild Mannered Minion
I feel the pull on the rope, let me off at the rainbow
-Anyway, Genesis