I only wish trump could have died from a combination of untreated syphilis, high cholesterol and skin cancer caused by using experimental hair growth drugs so he could have beat McCain to Hell. When trump dies and enters the lake of fire McCain will stuff the Donald in a little bamboo cage and repeatedly shove a bayonet into trumps ballsack for eternity while bone spurs from Puerto Rican children are shoved into his eye sockets. Then McCain will be crucified on a cross made of Halluburton stock and depleted uranium slugs while he apologizes to the ghosts of the 1.5 million dead Arabians he helped make dead. Soon to be joined by the likes of Gee Dubya, Karl Rove, Hank Kissinger, Johnny B Bolton, Barack Hussein Obama, Hilary Cunton, Benji Yahoo Serious and any other hegemonic war mongering piece of shit that the world would be better off without.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.