Originally Posted By: faceblaster
Conservative/Liberal/Libertarian/Democrat/Republican/Libtard/Red-stater... whatever they are, they need less access to guns.

No group of teens had more access to guns than me and my classmates growing up. There were guns everywhere and no one had gun safes or locked them up or anything. Heck, I got an AR-15 for Christmas when I was 16. The only shooting I recall was when one kid tragically shot his brother by accident while playing around with a gun he didn't know was loaded.

The liberal media hyping up and trying to exploit every shooting in an obvious attempt to take away people's guns has only made the situation worse. They've sensationalized school shootings and now there are copycat shootings every few months. It's all the Democrats and their media sycophant's fault, yet again.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.