Originally Posted By: J.B.
Translation: I'm afraid to read that link now and be proven wrong, so I'll find something else to do even if it means, gasp, cleaning my house. grin

No. When the NY Times & Washington Post are writing stories about the people who spied on Trump's campaign, it's obviously disinformation. They want to get out in front of this story before the imminent, damning report from the Inspector General. It's looking more and more like the only people going to jail are going to be the investigators, leakers and spies. What a sad day it is for America when one party uses wiretapping and spies to try to gain an advantage over their political opponent.

And these days, the only thing that gets me to clean my house is if someone I know lets me have some adderall.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.