Originally Posted By: J.B.
I'm 98% certain he's no more a Yankee than either Steez or Faceblaster,

Originally Posted By: faceblaster
I'll take the 2% margin then, cause I was born in Far Rockaway, Queens. Can't get much more Yankee than that. (Oh, and my brother was named after Billy Martin to boot)

OK, but how long did you live there? I was under the impression you grew up in Atlanta, but maybe I read that wrong. Your Brother gets special Yankee dispensation with that name. Which brings up this:

Originally Posted By: Steezo
I was born in Alaska with roots in Greece and Washington Heights, Manhattan.

The irony of you extolling your "Roots" aside, you're an Alaskan Mets fan. That alone disqualifies you from claiming any "Yankeedom", with or without Washington Heights.
"When you're up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember that you set out to drain the swamp" -- HST