By the year 2050 there will be 9 billion people on the planet and clean drinking water will become scarce. Most of the tech we take for granted will start to die off
as the rare earth minerals and exotic metals required for microchips are used up. This is something happening much faster than oil disappearing. Jobs will become so worthless and so few people will have so little money that work as we know it will not exist anymore. Capitalism as we know it is eating itself into nothingness and I do not feel it is controversial or even communistic to say it. I can not help feel that most of these discussions mean much of anything. Let us just hope the great free market fantasy that the profit motive always makes the cream rise to the top ends up being true and some amazing technology comes along that will sustain humanity but it will be more like vomit rising in a throat fucked whores mouth.

Maybe George Carlin was right and the only reason the human race evolved was because the earth did not know how to make plastic and it wanted plastic for itself. Now plastic is here and we can be reabsorbed into the primordial genetic unconsciousness. Just another failed mutation.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.