Originally Posted By: Steezo
^ You guys should run her again in 2020. If you can keep those pesky Russians and the FBI from messing things up, she's sure to win!

Originally Posted By: charin
WTF "you guys"? I'm Green!

Like all the other Nazi sheep, Steez is so locked into his narrative he reflexively assumes everyone who's against Drumpf is automatically and refelexively "for" $hillary, without reservation, and will

Did I vote for the twat in the General election? Yeah, I held my nose and did it, because I knew what the alternative would look like. In that regard, I would remind the Gauleiter from Alaska of what Churchill said after Operation Barbarossa began.

You do remember this, don't you, Steez? Old Winston had spent two decades fighting the Bolsheviks, but the second the invasion of Russia began, he ordered immediate assistance to Stalin, and when some of his friends looked at him funny he said "If Hitler had invaded Hell, I should at least make a favorable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons".

I want you to remember this, Steez. I want you to understand that it's not just "Democrats" (small or large "D") who oppose you Nazi fucks. I want you to understand that it's not too late for some of you guys to walk back from the precipice.

Not that I expect you to do so. No sir. I think you're all so besotted with your own rhetoric that you'll double down and pass your own point of no return. But I want to remind you of this because, in a few short years, when your leaders are jailed and stripped of the money they looted from the treasury, lemmings like you are going to find it hard to make a living, even with your Oil entitlements.

And then I'm going to come to Alaska and laugh in your poverty-stricken face.

"When you're up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember that you set out to drain the swamp" -- HST