Originally Posted By: Jerkules
Bought one. Same exact minivan I had (year/make/model/color) with 155k on it. Dude had it advertised for $1300, dropped the price to $800, and I hebrewed him to $500, because it had the same rusted and cracked rear axle beam as my last van. Waiting for 2 warm days in a row to swap the axle beams.

Already swapped the heater fans, and the heat kicks in the new one now. Cold as fuck out, so I can't really tell if the AC works. I would say 5-10% chance. about 98-03 Chrysler minivans and trucks always have fucked AC.

I get 2yrs/50k miles out of this thing, I'll be happy.

Nice. You know that for as long as you've got it, I'm going to refer to that vehicle as "The Panzervan".

Originally Posted By: Jerkules
I get 2yrs/50k miles out of this thing, I'll be happy.

Hell, the way the weather's been so far this year, two warm days in a row would make me giddy.
"When you're up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember that you set out to drain the swamp" -- HST