Originally Posted By: Steezo
Originally Posted By: CxGxPx

what exactly is it that the republicans have to offer you that you find appealing?

Lower taxes, a booming economy, low unemployment, stronger national defense, smaller government, more individual liberty (provided you aren't a fag or a weirdo).

Also, I was born here, so I don't have a green card.

You do not have lower taxes. You have the illusion of lower taxes by shifting the tax burden onto the poor. What do you think sales tax is? Why do you think lower class citizens are much more likely to be given tickets for petty offenses? We have defacto debters prison back in the united states and your republican buddies want to make it easier for bill collectors to fuck you up the ass.

If you honestly think we really needing to be spending the absurd amount of money we do on military and can not see how that alone would not lower your taxes and if you really think you are safer and that there is not a crony capitalist give away to weapons manufactures going on I really do not see how you can be so blind to simple reality.

yeah low unemployment is great when you kick people off welfare so we can all fight over those super awesome janitorial jobs. The economy is great when PHds are looking for jobs at gas stations. Enjoy going to your next job interview and instead of 10 people being there there is like 60.

Even John Stossel does not believe republicans shrink government, this has been shown to be demonstrably untrue.

hahaha, the irony of this statement about not being a fag or a weirdo. you are a fucking creep posting on a porn board.

well thank god president trump is thinking of getting rid of birth right citizenship. If only we could make it retro active you anchor baby.
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