That's the now-retired Luvinlioness, all right. Now only seen at church socials.

Looks very different from her prime, apparently,. Some way wrote this in a popular tube site under one of her vids -

"I know you probably won't believe this but Dana used to be my girlfriend. Of course Dana is not her real name, but it's not for me to tell you her real name. I went out with her when she was 38 until 41.She used to be a very dark auburn haired young woman when we first met and started going out. She was a great deal slimmer then. She used to be a dance teacher but she had those great tits then too.

She is every bit as hot in the sack as she comes across in the movies she makes. IF any of you are going to be in Palm Desert in So. California this weekend (19th through 22) she is going to be at a porn golf tournament."
6 years ago
Mild Mannered Minion
I feel the pull on the rope, let me off at the rainbow
-Anyway, Genesis