Ideas that can work are not allowing things like 100 round magazines and bump stocks to be legal. your logic is on the same level of saying there are still murders so why do we make murder illegal. You try to pretend the left is unreasonable when no one is trying to ban your guns and the NRA thinks that people so mentally unstable they are not allowed to have their own bank accounts should be allowed to own fire arms. Again, I give the example of someone who goes apeshit and has a revolver or a shot gun or a pistol with 10-15 rounds versus a bump stock and 30 round magazines or 100 round drums. Are you going to go deer hunting with that shit? Do you think you live in a movie and you are going to have to shoot your way through 20 karate warriors at once? If you are so into the constitution why do not we legalize even more extreme artillery. When the constitution was written the founding fathers intended for the citizens to have the same weaponry that the military had. What exactly do you get out of this? I think guns are cool and blowing shit up is neat but why on gods green earth do you need a fully automatic rifle spitting out gobs and gobs of lead. Do you think the illimunati is coming to stick you in a cage? You are trying to give me a slippery slope argument but the slippery slope is legalizing even more extreme weaponry. Do idea that the bad guys will get the guns anyways is kind of bullshit too.

you also use deliberately misleading statistics. Cities that have high crime tend to have stricter gun laws after the fact. You do not get to act like you are presenting rational arguments when you know this is true.

Yes of course you can kill a gun man with a gun. The reality is though the chances of needing an arsenal in the situation are microscopic compared to the every day realities of gun suicides and murders.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.