I say it because for all the bluster from the Left, I have yet to hear a single idea that could work. The States that have the toughest gun laws, have the highest gun violence. The States with some of the most lax gun laws, have some of the least. From what I can see, laws don`t work. Making something illegal will not stop a criminal from doing it. But I`d love to hear an idea that you could share

I believe people will take the easiest path with least resistance. Right now that is a gun. Take that away, something else becomes easiest. Figuring out how to make a bomb. Driving or flying an object into a group of people. The gun doesn`t make someone want to kill someone else.

I`d believe more in your stance that guns make it easier to kill people if these mass shootings didn`t always happen where guns weren`t allowed. I can`t see another crazy Liberal walking onto the floor of an NRA convention to try and kill as many as he can. A school, church or concert where guns are banned is a whole lot easier