When you say things like that you sound incredibly glib. Yeah, of course there are other ways to kill people. More people die in bath tub accidents than gun assaults. You might as well say something like heart disease kills the most people so we should only talk about heart disease. It is stupid non sequitur goal post moving garbage. Do you really think any of the gunmen the united states has had in recent years would have been involved in a machette gang? The point is that access to guns makes someone who may have only killed a handful of people now able to kill fifty people. You act is if everyone knows how to make a improvised explosive device. I say this as a fairly ardent proponent of the second amendment even though I am massively left wing on most issues. There is a huge problem involving the american psyche and the relation it has with guns. If you want to get real you would mention the simple statistics that point to a gun owner being much more likely to use that gun on themselves or in domestic violence then they will ever use it against an intruder.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.