I've been selling off a lot more shit than I've been buying. I sold my ibanez RG, a Silvertone bass, boss DS1, boss HM-2, boss CS-3 my 22 pistol, some old video game junk (32X lol yes I actually owned one of those, plus some games for it and some other old random sega shit) I just sold my BBE sonic maximizer. I wanted to get more for it but I'd had it on Craig's list before and no bites so sold it to a pawn shop. Seems like everyone who's ever owned one either the rack mount or pedal realize they suck and eventually sell them off. I've been hoarding way too much gear for being a really terrible musician.

I didn't really want to get rid of the HM-2 but it's price is going up in the niche
market and my $15 beheringer clone sounds almost identical.

Also sold a keurig that I got for free. Good god are those things fucking stupid.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.