lol. I'm rooting for the RICO and "follow the money" fairies to poop all over him versus the Russia fiasco. I see the Russia tampering as nothing new/business-as-usual and driven more by a desire to reverse Obama/Clinton policies than by any desire on their part to help El Naranja. I figure he is just the witless recipient of the windfall. (like most ruling-class heirs)

Oh, and I would like to see the Times and the Post butfuck him publicly and hard. As in the ghosts of Edward R Murrow and IF Stone fucking him up Ghostbusters style over the New York Public Library.

Edited by faceblaster (06/27/17 04:04 PM)
Edit Reason: ps added
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward