Originally Posted By: Vice Admiral

I wonder why so many liberals know so much that isn't actually true.

Officially, sure. But, realistically politically, as an abuse of power, and to cover up a crime, his or others, no it is NOT allowed.

It's not about being liberal. If Bill Clinton or Obama or HilVomit did it, and you KNOW if she had been elected she'd be under investigation for something, it's in the Clinton DNA, I'd say the same thing.

Think back just 6 months and imagine your worthless self if Obama did it to cover for something. WOW!

You're head would have exploded.
And, I'd take THE VERY SAME POSITION I am with Donkey T.

I've been a member of three parties, the Republican, NY's Conservative Party and a Democrat. None define ME. I shill for no man, no woman, no club and no party.

But, I do shill for the values I see as defining our Constitution.

Yes, he "legally" has the power. But, the reason he used that power was an abuse, and if it was to conceal wrongdoing, a crime. And, said abuse, especially since it is likely to cover up aid and comfort to Putin's Russia, should make every lover of this country SICK!

Putin is gunning to take us down.
Toupee is willing to sell us out.

I voted for Ronald Reagan.
I met Barry Goldwater. [A friend of mine was the campaign coordinator of the only county he won in CA in 1964].

Both, I am SURE, like other patriot Republicans ranting against the wigged-one on the news channels recently, would be sickened by these actions as well.


So stick your "Liberal" label up your butt ... if it isn't too, too sore from "providing" for Jared Kushner's real wife.


Nice to know you're one of the worthless whores pimping for merkin-head for free!!!


Who am I pimping for? Pence?

Pence becomes president, with a Republican house and Senate, and what happens to all those "Liberal" things you believe I hold oh so dear?

And, say Pence is involved, not likely but could be, and he, too is swept aside, then it's President Ryan.

So much for your liberal conspiracy.

The best way to drive up the liberal vote and hold status-quo on Liberal laws is to have Donkey-Long-ump stay in the White House. Also, it's the best way to possibly flip the gerry-mander in 2020.

So, if I had a Liberal agenda, that is what I would want.
Not President Pence or Ryan.

Hail to the Chief, Pence!
Amo i Gemelli!! wink