Originally Posted By: J.B.
Originally Posted By: Vice Admiral
That's a lie, of course, but everything else from the Occupy crowd and the Democrats is a lie, so why not?

Okay. Let's pick a source you find credible. How about The American Conservative?

Trump Attempts to Blackmail Comey. Really!

Or how about the Murdoch-Owned Wall Street Journal?

Former Employees of Trump Saw Him Tape Conversations

Hey wait, I've got some sources for backdoor man. The communist twinkle toed faggots at the CATO institute talk about how the Muslims and Mexicants are coming to enslave us!


"Chances of being killed in the United States by a foreign terrorist is 1 in 3.6 million a year.

The chances of being murdered in the United States by a refugee is 1 in 3.6 BILLION a year.

The chances of being murders by an illegal alien is 1 in 10.9 BILLION per year"

Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.