This guy really seems to hate her. It's so much "you're an old whore, you'll never have kids you whore. You do porn whore. There are pictures of you everywhere having sexy for money whore" on a website called adult video FYI. What am I not understanding? If you enjoy porn then of course there will be woman that are whores and have sex for money, what's your point, that 2+2=4? If porn sluts are garbage then aren't you a pile of shit also for watching it? I guess I really must be a total SJW fag because I'll never undesrtand this mindset. Seems like a totally black hole of self hatred like the redpiller men going their own way. He also is talking about some court cases and saying she will pay her fans to have people killed. I've never even heard of her before I posted here. I saw some YouTube rats of hers, seemed like a tiny channel, does she really have some cult like following? What the fuck is going on here? Sorry to derail the thread. I'm going to go back to reading a book or recording some more goregind that no one will give a shit about.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.