Originally Posted By: Vice Admiral
That's a lie, of course, but everything else from the Occupy crowd and the Democrats is a lie, so why not?

Iets do Republican math. They claim meals on wheels is a boondoggle and by their own numbers say it cost 150 billion dollars since 1974. (Numbers that are probably inflated) this would mean in 43 years we spent slightly less that 3.5 billion dollars a year. So if trump wants to increase the annual military budget by 54 billions we can see that would mean meals on wheels cost 6.5 percent of just the INCREASE in proposed military spending. To say we can't afford social programs is laughable and people like you who've spent your life enriching your self while making sure the ultra rich stay that way should be sent to a detention center for the rest of your life. A better punishment would be forced gender reassignment and plastic surgery to turn you into one of your beloved Thai prostitutes
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.