This articles are saying less than nothing. I mean, my basic question is, do you even know what Marx actually says? Have you read any of his work or just the regurgitation of what some very questionable at best pundits have said?

My other more basic question was that seeing as how there is very little actual money when compared to the bulk of the budget spent on social programs (unless you consider social security welfare) compared to what is spent on the military, How can you with a straight face call this "marxism"? Having a capitalist system with social programs and a welfare state is still a capitalist society. Socialism is where all the means of production are removed from private hands, This is no where even close remotely in any shape or definition of the word to what can be described as happening in the united states. Even if you have this delusion of "bloated regulations" every year by the most neutral sources you can find you can see year after year sky rocketing profits for big business and billionaires making more and more every year and corporate profit and productivity increasing while real wages staying flat lined. You can see the tax burden being shifted off the richest and put further onto the backs of the poor and the middle class. In a true communist society there is no tax because the wages would all be paid by the state to begin with. Just like if we had entirely nationalized health care you would pay higher taxes true, but you're forgetting that you would also not have to pay for insurance. You can find anecdotal evidence about Canadians coming to america that were waiting in extremely long lines for Surgery where they would have died or gone blind but those numbers are statistically remote and the vast majority of people from places like Canada and the UK and any other country with "socialized medicine" say that they love it and think our system is barbaric and absurd. And it's more expensive on top of it. What you hear much more often from Canadians is them buying special insurance when they visit the united states to have their medical costs covered in the event of an emergency, because there have been far more instances where a Canadian has visited the United States, been injured and been completely flabbergasted that they had to pay over one hundred thousands dollars for two weeks in the emergency room.

Do you REALLY think we need an extra 54 billion dollars ON TOP of what is already spent every year on the military? Did you not read the recent articles about how the military just "misplaced" hundreds of billions of dollars that they can't account for where it went or what was pent on? maybe it was even in the trillions of dollars. Do you REALLY think the microscopic amount of money we spend on the EPA needs to reduced? Did you know trump even cut funding for the local terrorist task force so we can focus more on "Islamic terror"? Imagine of the Signal Mountain man plot hadn't been stopped. did you know Gorka was just revealed to be a member of some strange crypto neo nazi version of the knights templar? Do you support any kind of minimum wage? Do you realize that there was Bill just passed called HR1313 that wants to give employers rights to our fucking GENETIC INFORMATION? and ask us invasive questions and sell this information to third parties? Every republican on the committee for this bill voted for it every democrat voted against it. Do you believe in any kind of minimum wage? Do you want your boss to have the "right" to pay you $3 an hour for 15 hours a day working around poisonous chemicals with no bathroom breaks? If you break your back and can't work what level of social safety net to you feel we should have or should we let you die in the street? please answer these questions as earnestly as you can.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.