Elizabeth Warren is a disgusting con artist who lied about her race to cynically manipulate her way into law professorship. The legal academy is America's most elitist institution; white graduates of lower-tier law schools simply do not gain admission to the academy, while blacks and other non-Asian minorities can. (Of course, blacks and other non-Asian minorities benefit from waiver of admission standards, allowing them to attend feeder institutions like Harvard and Yale without actually being "qualified" according to the standards applied to white students.) As a white graduate of Rutgers University School of Law at Newark, a decidedly low-ranking law school, Warren had zero access to the profession of law teaching -- no matter how strong a student she was, no matter how good a teacher she would turn out to be (and reports are that she was a good teacher), and no matter how prolific a scholar she would turn out to be. It's bullshit, and wildly unfair, but that's the way the world created by liberal law professors works.

Since Warren is obviously white, she cooked up that lie about being just Indian enough to claim "Native American" status but not Indian enough to, you know, actually be an Indian. It's the perfect crime: Nobody can verify. But it's massively unethical.