Jerkules: What kinda drugs she into? Coke/Crystal or Smack?

There is a couple pics from BTS at a hotel shoot and she looks really paranoid. Someone knocks at the door and she jumps like some one surprised the fuck out of her. There's a lot of forum talk from her hometown and people who new her in H.S. So it's hard tell shit from sapphire at times. The paranoia is either a sign of coke/crack or meth for sure.The arrest from the last pic involved resisting arrest, paraphernalia and poss/sell a controlled substance but doesn't say which type of drug.But this has been ongoing for her since 2012 and she did still function normally most of time it would seem .My guess is meth. Some users go down fast but I've some function for years and if didn't know what to look for you couldn't tell, at first anyway.Crack heads rarely function well after long term steady use .It's expensive and most users become reclusive.Becoming shut-ins not much public mingling. Meth gives a euphoria that makes it seem like your functioning just fine. It's cheap and if you take extra care of the things that poison takes from your body (h20,vitamins,sleep). People can seem normal(ish) for along time.You might laugh but there is a huge difference between clean and dirty meth users.The latter in which people seem to crash much faster.It seems eventually it catches up with you. Dirty or clean sooner or later everyone crashes. I'll see if I can ID which drug her other arrests.There's also a mugshot from 2016 but it got pulled. Usually it's because they are innocent but there's been rumors of fakes.I'll look into it.Sorry for the short story lol. Thanks for the inquiry .

Edited by VernonOren (01/31/17 02:31 PM)
Are you male or female ?
Dude I have a cock.
Me too . See
Yo man what the fuck ?