I never really cared where Obama was born, so I didn't follow the whole birther movement thing. But, I seem to recall that even what Obama did finally release still didn't satisfy the birthers as far as being the original document.

Anyway, a birth certificate is a requirement to become President. Releasing your taxes isn't although it's a long-standing tradition. In case you haven't noticed, Trump doesn't really seem to care about those sorts of things.

And Obama never released his college transcripts, which was also a long-standing tradition and no one in the media seemed to care. That was probably because in between sucking each other's dicks, they didn't want to possibly expose the truth about a President that they had already declared to be the smartest in U.S. history. And who knows if he might've listed himself as being from Africa to ease the admissions process.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.