Originally Posted By: Steezo
There's a theory floating around that the Democrats are going to do this in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania knowing that the states won't be able to do a full hand recount in time for the deadline for the Electoral College vote. Trump would still be ahead, but wouldn't have the required 270 votes, so Congress would have to take over and name him the winner. The whole point being to try to delegitimize his win and give Democrat voters something more to complain and protest about for the next 4 years. Like Bush vs. Gore all over again.

That's why they waited until half an hour before the deadline to request a recount in Wisconsin and why they haven't yet asked for a recount anywhere else. They're going to wait until half an hour before the deadlines in Michigan and Pennsylvania even though they have the cash to request it right now. They want to give the people doing the recounts as little time as possible so they can't finish the recounts in time. Fucking assholes.

Paranoid internerd bullshit based on nothing and will not happen.