I see WikiLeaks email scandal stories on every website out there. They're the lead clickbait on every homepage like aol, yahoo, msn, etc. This myth that the media is ignoring the leaks is more whiney bullshit from the butthurt. It's just a much juicier story with the pussy talk and gets more street level conversation. Yes, the news agencies hate donny but his scandals are just more exiting and get better ratings/eyeballs. Both sides had their October surprise laying in wait, the Russian backed WikiLeaks and the Trump recordings. The Trump tapes were simply more exiting. If Mark Burnett hadn't agreed to sit on the Apprentice tapes, you would have had a much bigger shitstorm. Is he part of election rigging too then?
Look, Trump lost it all on his own accord. He brought on Alles and the Breitbart idiot and this is the course of action they chose. Oh, the media is against us, there's a global conspiracy (aka Jews), the system is rigged, blah blah blah.
Trump defeated himself by being Trump.
And she didn't go into hiding to avoid answering these new questions, she has been in hiding for months. No press conferences, no direct responses to donny's ludicrous claims. She knows the game.....give him enough rope and he will hang himself. Worked out well. Trump threatened to boycott the debates too, it never happened and she won't skip Wednesday either. Turd sandwich 2016! Keep eating the memberberries.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward