Freakiest moment I've ever experienced was at a nasty strip club called GoodTime Charlies down near the fishing spot. I was walking back from the bathroom and was going past the stage when this shit-faced drunk girl who was dancing decided to climb up the side railing and apparently jump into my arms (unannounced).

Not knowing that she was doing this, I of course kept walking and instead of landing in my arms, she landed face first on the cement floor, knocking herself out cold. I was totally freaked out and looked down to see a pool of blood with 5-6 pieces of chewing gum in it. Except it wasn't gum, it was all her molars. Turns out knocked out teeth look surprisingly like chewing gum.

I just stood there in shock, repeating, "What do i do?? What do I do??" Luckily there was a guy there who was an off duty EMT and he told me to just calm down and go home and he'd take care of it.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.