Originally Posted By: CxGxPx
Yeah, because regurgitating the Cato institute and posting a bunch of fucking dumb pictures is indicative of intelligence. See I like to use a thing called sources. Something you water brained fucking half heads don't bother with before you begin shitting out of your mouths

I guess you are stoo stupid to figure out you are ragging on your own MO. You post idiotic vids from Cenk, or the Daily Kos, or HuffPo, then get all whiny when a meme pops up and destroys your talking point. For the love of God, you have no idea what the free market is, but yet seem to hate it

Originally Posted By: CxGxPx

I totally forgot I posted a link to the Kansas video. You honestly think Kansas has been doing fucking great after the right wing take over? You don't talk about any of the substance of the story, you know, any of the facts. Any statistics. Any hard numbers but just puke out some bullshit about how it's wrong because TYT posted it. How about this, post ANY article that paints the Kansas situation in a good light, you can use any right wing rag blog you want. You talk about "making your own arguments" while posting fucking nonsense. You accuse me of bias but choke on your own. you're not only a moron but you're a moron who thinks he's the smartest person in the room

I tell you what, how about I post some links to show you how years of Democrats being in charge of places like Flint, Detroit, Baltimore, Jacksonville, etc. etc are doing. Will you acknowledge that voting Liberal over and over again is a death sentence for any city, state or Country?

I'm sure whatever the situation is in Kansas, it's for more complex that what the Young Turks is making it out to be, or whatever you can understand.

I think it's comical that you are quick to make excuses for why a socialist haven like Venezuela is circling the drain, but will jump all over whatever you're told

This link tells a different story