Originally Posted By: the unknown pervert
You're right. As far as anyone knows nothing on the eighteen missing minutes of tape was classified or top secret. Watergate was corruption (not that that isn't a suitable Hillary topic too), Hillary's e-mails are compromising the national security of the country.

BTW you wouldn't by any chance happen to have a relative that posts under the name of Goldstein on ADT?

You people are unreal. There was more credibility in the white water scandal then this Bullshit. Trying to make something comparable to the walking dumpster fire that was nixons entire career. Just like there was nothing to the Benghazi horseshit either. Just like you were complete full of shit about Noam Chomsky defending pol pot, something I still laugh about to this day. Next you're going to talk about Vince foster being murderd in a conspiracy. Fuck you. There is nothing you have to say of any credence. I don't know why you'd be against Hilary, she's virtually identical to a republican 99% of the time. The blood thirsty Warhawk and baby killer McCain would have done more campaign finance reform.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.