Years ago when I lived in a small town south of here I would make some good money when it snowed. The place I worked for let me use their tractor once I got their parking lot plowed. The best I did was about 3k over about 10 hrs of actual work. Could have made more but it was xmas eve and the wife was like "enough". Had a couple decent days over the next couple years then it pretty well came to a halt.

Fucking snow blowers.... you'd see trucks everywhere with two or three guys in it and two or three snow blowers in the back. Between them and the homeowners that had them there wasn't enough money to make it worthwhile any more.

Edited by Blue (01/28/16 09:01 AM)
You can’t be a pimp and a prostitute too. -some song I heard...

I'm like: 'Is it even legal to say that?' Then I realized we were grown men."