Your bullshit might make a little more sense if wages have even remotely kept pace with inflation. It's the similar arguments you pieces of shut make with taxes. Yet in more socialized countries where business have to pay much higher taxes they don't magically go broke. People like you would be saying the same fucking thing if bread was fifty dollars a loaf and a grocery bagger made $2 an hour. You want to suck the masters dick with the hope of one day becoming the master yourselves. Companies like Walmart help their employes get on welfare. They know their slave wages can't support a person. It's a way die billion dollar corporations to shift the tax burden onto the poor.

Funny you mention wages needing to be low to keep the cost of food down. That's why migrant farm workers make so little. But you want to demonizes Mexicans. Pay a white person minimum wages and your lettuce will be $200 a head.

Abolish regressive taxes like sales tax. Abolish police shakedowns to steal tax burden from the most defenseless people.

People like you talk about freemarkets when one person is a million miles ahead
In the race in a limo and the other person is walking five miles in the other direction to get clean drinking water
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.