Originally Posted By: Over Lord
Really, the threats of violence don't work when you are a limp dick dweeb who hides under the bed during a thunder storm.

The best part is how you fail to understand the basic concept of economics, and ignore the simple fact that raising the wage of unskilled and inexperienced workers will do nothing to improve their position in life, while only making it harder for the middle class. Why can't you offer some insight to your reasoning instead of going back to the failed and debunked talking points? But just as I think you can't prove your stupidity any more than you already have after dropping the Koch brothers (you might want to look into what George Soros funds and controls), you drop the "it's the fault of capitalism for low wages" line. No idiot, the fault of low wages is at the feet of the millions of unskilled uneducated workers who snuck in here illegally. Get rid of them, and companies won't have the option to hire them. See how simple that is? Just address the problem.

You are the typical Liberal idiot. You blame the laws that get people in trouble, instead of blaming the people who willfully choose not to obey them. Stop committing crime, and you'll stop being arrested.

Furthermore, I deserve what I've worked for and earned. But your ilk don't want to work for anything, nor do they want to earn it. You'd rather just take from someone else because you failed and you don't think that's fair. Just keep taking from others. But what happens when you've taken everything? Then what?

People like me is what made our society great. People like you are bringing it down. And since you have nothing, and are nothing, you've turned into an angry pathetic piece of shit who spends his nights alone.

Eat a dick faggot

Nobody threatened you with violence idiot. I said it's what you deserve. Nice reading comprehension there. If hard work made you rich then migrant farm workers would be billionaires. Again, punish the business that hire illegals but you completely ignore that idea. Most jobs done by illegals are shit white people wouldn't do. They actually deported all of them from one state and the crops rotted in the ground. They had to let them back why don't you support freemarkets to pay as little as possible? Fucking piece of shut hypocrite. Violence is the bolt thing people like you understand
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