I know I'll regret coming back to this shithole but this overlord prick needs he's fucking face caved in. You know the truth about minimum wage is that it is the only viable option for tens of millions of desperate people who will never have the chance or ability to "improve themselves" theres only a finite amount of good jobs. In the meantime people like you (and I use the term person lightly) would love to see a race to the bottom where people bid for $2 an hour jobs as the libertarians throw scraps at the plebes while calling it "Freedom" everything is for the benefit of the super rich. Did you hear how Koch industries have their own private CIA now? We have defacto debters prison in this country for people who cant pay parking tickets. Selling the parking meter contracts to private companies. Trafic fines and the like have always been a regressive tax any ways. Let's criminalize being poor some more. You're so against illegal immigrants yet you don't talk about how it's a direct symptom of capitalism where an employer will pay someone slave wages if they can get away with it. How about this, every time a business is caught hiring an illegal alien we deport the fucking CEO of the company. That would be just punishment. Pieces of shit like you deserve to have you house annexed and given to a Syrian refugee. You should be tortured to death at gitmo and your carcass rendered down into vivoleum candles.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.