Originally Posted By: Vice Admiral
I wonder why these fuckers can't put two and two together. 1980 demarcs the irrevocable metastasis of the administrative state, the Department of Whatsisfuck and the profusion therefrom of endless regulations and myriad enforcement agencies and tribunals. The number of lawyers in the United States increased by 15% from 1979 to 1980 alone.

And you're a fucking lawyer!! The for profit prison explosion also happened around the dates you're quoting as well. You really think a profit motive system can regulate its self? You're promoting this simplistic "word of mouth" system the libertarians claim will just take care of its self? Where the only problem is some one else has to suffer first. You are all of the sudden in favor of "tort reform" you, a lawyer. Often times lawsuits are the only way some one can strike back at a huge entity that's fucked them over