Originally Posted By: Vice Admiral
Originally Posted By: CxGxPx
You don't seem to understand that unlike the United States European countries with "high" taxes actually get something for their money. Besides it going to the military and oil Barron's

You bet. Europe's working people also get to subsidize the importation of a criminal alien underclass that despises them and declares an intention to subjugate them when the time is right.

This is hilarious to me as an unhindered free market in the United States. The thing you seem to worship, would also import a metric fuck ton of
Aliens into this country causing wages to plummet and civil unrest at home.... Or maybe in this respect you're more of a protectionist. When conservatives bitch about illegal aliens why do they never mention harsher punishments for the businesses that hire them?
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.