Originally Posted By: Jerkules
They are probably losing the Destination America time slot in Sept, as rumored, so Jarrett gonna get it for $50 and some pocket lint, then fold it into Global Force Wrestling, because the TNA brand is toxic.

Toxic. Exactly. I've wanted them to survive and thrive. Probably never at a WWE level, but at least at an NXT or ROH level. But they've hit the reset button way too many times for them to be taken seriously. When you have to tell the fans how cool and edgy you are, anyone with the savvy of a 5 year old is going to see that you're not. When you have to do it 6 or 7 times in the same number of years, there's a huge problem. I guess the one positive thing is that Dixie knows her daddy loves her. He's propped this trainwreck up a lot longer than VKM managed to hold that football thing of his together.

Jarrett has a great mind for the business and hopefully he can wipe away the turd of the TNA brand and come up with a product people will actually watch. And please God, do not do a TNA invasion angle.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE