Originally Posted By: gia jordan
Highly recommended. If you like jail. Can we not endorse sex with minors here on our porn board if we'd like to keep XPT? This goes for all genders.

You know nobody really cares when its a woman committing the crime against a male child over 13 unless she's a teacher. Even if the law gets involved the woman gets a fucking slap on the wrist.

There is a woman and a man who are both on the sex offender's registry for crimes against under age victims who lived in the town I used to live in. The people had a shit fit over the dude living there. Not one fucking peep over the female offender and a few people did point that out to the mob. She could drink in the neighborhood bar without incident and nobody was posting fliers around her home for two blocks in any direction about her status and crimes. The dude couldn't even buy a 12 pack to take out of the neighborhood bar without at least being threatened.

That pussy is one powerful pass.
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