Okay, so to summarize:

Rear Admiral is terrified of anyone to the left of David Koch, and thinks Bernie's an out-and-out communist who will (gasp) force his clients to pay taxes on their yachts, and (shudders) scrap the TPP;

Fat Bloody Fingers* is terrified of anyone to the right of Leon Trotsky and thinks Bernie's not nearly Commie enough;

Barney Da Marksman is terrified someone's going to take away his guns before he gets to shoot his other foot off;

Barry the Parrot is the Admiral's great "how many positions can I con some Goober into taking that totally screw them over" experiment;

Steezo is Alaskan, so he gets special dispensation. And a cookie;

Charin** clearly doesn't give a fuck anymore, as evidenced by the ill-conceived peen pic, but I'm guessing he'll make up for 'ol stubby by posting with balls for a change;

TUP makes a largely (but not entirely) accurate analysis of the history of (state) communism but doesn't (despite FBF's need to tar with a broad brush) accuse Bernie of either being an out-and-out communist or (despite the Admiral's insistence) the antichrist;

Faceblaster is simply happy to take the piss out of everybody; and

JB is consuming all the alcohol Chuck can't/won't and thinking it's it's gonna be, as the Chinese curse has it, "interesting times".

Edit: And it's getting interesting, Admiral:

Ruling Party Loses Hold as Leftists Surge in Spain

* Whose screen name, I just realized after seeing one too many of/if transpositions, is reflective of his cellphone posting style

** You gentlemen have un-gimped the guy, yes? Keeping him in over that stunt more than a day's simply excessive. Give him a chance to do something truly boxworthy. Or simply mock him. Hell, if I can do it...

Edited by J.B. (05/26/15 08:26 PM)
Edit Reason: read the news today