Originally Posted By: J.B.
^ Yep. Pretty much.

In the end, it won't matter what advice His Grace takes away from this, because his own insecurities are sure to complicate his interactions with the folks involved for years to come. I just hope he doesn't bore the rest of us with it.

You seem determined to have the last word, tell you what, you can have it. You'd get it by default anyway, I came back here for a quick diversion and to share a funny story. Sparring with you has been amusing, but I simply don't have time to carry on with this, and to be honest, I'm starting to feel bad for you, because it's becoming evident just how important to you your status in this place is. You must not lose face, you're the ultimate keyboard Samurai, who cannot live with the shame of defeat. However much you try to turn this around by warping the fabric of reality, anyone can see the truth about who melted down, who got stressed, who has social insecurities, just by counting up the insults that went in each direction, and frankly, I really couldn't care less about winning a porn forum flame war anyway.

Get out. Do stuff. Meet people. I went through a period when I spent far, far too much of my precious time on porn boards, but I moved on. My life is vastly improved now, yours could be too.
"If I were a guy, not swallowing would be a deal breaker. So what if you cook and clean? I can get a maid for that." - Gia Jordan