I like looking at stats, so I sometimes go to Alexa and punch in sites to see how they are doing. Poor Mike South's traffic is drying up quicker than his meemaw's cooter.

I guess October was when the rest of the world realized what many of us already knew, Mike South is full of shit and not worth the bandwidth to pay attention to. That 66,603 number is how many slots his site has plummeted in the past 3 months. If you look and see that about this time last year his site was about 25k globally, he is down roughly 120k spots.

No wonder he's making posts trying to claim his site is making money. The failure is hurting his ego, so he's typing to try and convince himself of the opposite.

In contrast, TRPWL.com keeps chuggin right along, picking up eyeballs here and there, and building the brand w/ credibility.

The green 10,324 means that TRPWL.com has moved up the list that many spots in the past 3 months. TRPWL is now trouncing South by roughly 30k spots both Globally and in the USA. The crazy part is that is with South having what, a decade head start in being logged by search engines?

I would feel bad posting LukeIsBack's stats. Go look for yourself: http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/lukeisback.com I would venture to guess LIB's stats are solely the result of Google searches popping Luke's old archives.

tl/dr: The bottom has fallen out of South's traffic and his site is swirling the bowl. Fuck him...scumbag.
Thinking of cracked-out and/or tweaking whores getting their throats and asses brutalized for the next hit makes me hard. --Rear Admiral