Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
Originally Posted By: CxGxPx
The president doesn't really have the power to lift the embargo. It's a congressional matter. Funny how this occurs at the same time of harsh new sanctions against Venezuela

It really is because Cuba taught Chavez how to rule.

What's funnier is that JFK started the embargo by Executive Order.

He may not have the power Constitutionally, but does that matter anymore. Presidents have been slowly setting precedents increasing Executive power since FDR. It certainly didn't start with our Boy King.

I'm thinking the motivation for this whole thing is to break the lease regarding Guantanamo.

Presidents have been expanding their powers since the beginning, Lincoln taking the most liberties (and getting away with it) for what many now consider good purpose. Someone is poised to make a ton of money off this move and it won't be anyone on these forums given historical precedent.