Oh, it was good. Great, maybe. I was worried for a while though.

As usual, I didn't really follow the recipe and put things in at different proportions than called for, plus added extra stuff, like making a roux at one point and putting a cup of dry sherry into the mix near the end.

Usually, I'll cook something this way and it will taste to me like I made it. If that makes sense (it does to me). This didn't. And then at the very end I added all the bay scallops and it tasted just right. Weird.

My main worry was making sure I didn't overcook the scallop and make them all rubbery. After serving myself, I put the whole thing outside in 25° temps with a lid 95% of the way on for it to vent steam and cool off.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.