I can't fucking eat Papa John's pizza. It taste like there's a cup of sugar in the dough and another one in the sauce. It also absolutely destroys my blood sugar. All pizza does, really, but Papa John's is the worst. Of the major pizza chains, I probably eat Domino's pizza the most often. It's not too sweet and there's nothing offensive about it. I'm not saying it's great, but it's a step above frozen pizza. Plus I love being able to order from an iPhone app. My favorite pizza chain is probably Round Table, but they're all the way on the other side of town and don't deliver here.

BTW Frankie, I know you have trouble with rules and logic, but this is a thread about "What Are You Cooking Tonight?" not "What Pizza Place I Got Dinner From." I'm cooking a slow smoked turkey. I know it's an odd time of the year to make a turkey since Thanksgiving is next week, but I've had one in the freezer for a year now and wanted to get rid of it. I cured it for 2 days or so almost like you'd cure a ham and I'll be throwing it on the smoker soon for 6-8 hours.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.