Originally Posted By: Jerkules
Originally Posted By: frankie fatale
yesterday i was speedy prosciutto,smoked gouda,bianco dioro salami,and chicken breast on pita.i think tomorrow ill be speedy large manicotti filled with ricotta.

-You are a beaner, so w/ some extra cologne, gold chains and polyester clothes, you might be able to pull off dago with Speedy Prosciutto. Just use a clove of garlic wrapped in Genoa salami as deodorant for a while, to mask the Goya.

im a spic not a beaner.beaners are those with brown skin and look down on those with light skin as well as try to make you feel like youre not mexican because of it.ive felt above them since 2002 when my first time at el tigre(now called northgate,which is a mexican grocery store)i noticed this kind of treatment.

once when my mom and i were going back to her car with groceries years ago,there were some paisa beaners leaning on my moms bumper,obviously trying to provoke a nigga moment though nigga synthesis ala the boondocks.when we got to the car they backed down and the bigger one gave me this fake head nod as they left and went back to their truck after i glared at his beaner ass.fuck sorry im there in a pair of coogis and supras and you guys couldnt put together a nice outfit to save your lives.gay ass haters.
i think of the past and how the future isnt how i imagined it,but the past is exactly where i unraveled it.excuses for failed attempts, gained another one i used a noose
it’s not until you fall apart you see the screws are loose-cage